Aliza Vellani bio

Aliza Vellani (born in British Columbia) is a Canadian television and film actress. Vellani has been best known for her role as Rani Singh, in Netflix's Sweet Tooth. Aliza is a Vancouver-based actress with over ten years of experience both in Canada and in the United States. Vellani was a part of the affluent show Little Mosque on the Prairie(CBC), The X-Files (FOX) in addition to Marvel's Superhero Adventures(Disneyand). Nora Allen Allen was the child of Barry Allen and Iris West Allen during the time of Central City, between 2019 and 2020. Nora Allen is named for her maternal grandmother who died in 2024. The year 2024 saw Barry disappeared after a battle with Reverse-Flash. He never came back and left Nora to be raised solely through her maternal grandmother. Vellani is the child of Indian immigrants to East Africa, was born in Vancouver. At York House School she started her training from an early age. Between 2007 and 2008 Vellani won the BC as well as the National Istar Awards for Arts and Culture. Vellani continued her education in the areas of voice acting and dance, after graduating from high school. In The Flash's midseason finale we learned that Nora has been conspiring with Eobard Thawne, also known as the Reverse-Flash with her parents' help. Vellani was planning to go to OCAD University to study integrated media. Instead, she took on this role. Marvel was ultimately her university education. She lived in an Atlanta residence complex along with other young actors.


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